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About Us

Creating Opportunities Educate New Generations Providing Possibilities
by Spreading Knowledge

Join us today and start teaching whatever you can teach on our website, we are rolling out a huge budget for Pakistani people.

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Here are introduction about our efforts and list of courses we are offering.

Become An Instructor

350K+ Certifications Issued

Do you have degree in any field related to Data Science Then start today, teach others

Deliver Video Lecture

If you do not know how to record? Our team will teach you in the beginning. 

Earn Money Teaching

Teach money on our platform and earn money per course basis.

Our most prominent
Content Creators

All of our instructors are experts in their fields of expertise and great in transferring their knowledge - teaching skills are supported by our author coach program.

Join our Team
of Instructors

If you're adept in knowledge and skills in your field of interest, don't hesitate to come aboard. We are opened for new instructor positions.
Become an Instructor

Why become an Instructor?

To become an instructor, you must have the ability to transfer your knowledge in Urdu/Hindi language with desi tarkay wali examples.
Do you want to learn more about our philosophy, ethical and business standards? Join us as an instructor or student today.
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How to Start

- We endorse efficiency, short cycles of decisions and action.
- We believe that results are more powerful than suggestions
- Start working on improvement, take initiative, If it does not work, we still will have learned something
Do you want to learn more about our best practices and list of courses?
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Some of our best content creators

Featured Instructors

Data Scientist with more than8 Years of Experience

Dr. Aammar and his team are here for you 24/7 to help you through your course creation needs. His area of expertise is Python, Data Science, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI, Scientific Writing & basically everything related with Data Science.

Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Work, Video Editing and Expertise in Mathematics for Data Science with 6 years of experience

Hammad is here for you 24/7 to help you through your course creation needs. Her area of expertise is Mathematica, Microsoft Excel, Video Editing & basically everything related with Microsoft Products.

Get Started Free

You can enrol for free, start today and start learning at your pace. Explor our free courses.

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