
AI tools designed for students and academics

AI tools- Useful for students and researchers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 🤖 tools are advancing every day and transforming the landscape of education, offering innovative solutions for students 👩‍🎓 and academics. AI tools are empowering educators and learners to achieve new heights of academic excellence. Students can now access tailored resources and insights, while academics can enhance their research capabilities and administrative efficiency. In this blog, we will look into what these tools are and some useful tools for students and researchers.

What are AI tools?

In simple words, AI tools are software applications powered by artificial intelligence, to assist in performing various tasks, such as data analysis, content creation, language translation, and customer service automation. A complete use of AI for data analysis in research is available at codanics. 

These tools can greatly enhance productivity and accuracy by providing valuable insights and automating repetitive tasks. However, while AI tools are incredibly powerful and evolving rapidly, their reliability can vary based on the quality of the underlying algorithms and data.  It’s essential to use them with caution, verify critical information, and combine their output with human judgment to ensure optimal results. .

Useful AI tools

There are numerous AI tools available for free or with a subscription fee to use for almost any kind of task. Such as literature searches, preparing scientific papers, from generating knowledge to creating final presentations. For a complete guide on which AI tools to use, when to use them, and how to use them for scientific writing, this playlist is very useful and includes a step-by-step guide. Here is a list of popular AI tools that can help students and researchers make their lives easier.

Tools for writing Write papers with one of the best tools for researchers. This AI-powered text editor helps you write, edit, and cite with confidence.

BypassGPT: With Bypassgpt, creating plagiarism-free, human-like text is easy, which is crucial when using AI. An essay generator, that can generate customizable text with no plagiarism and ensure data security. It can be used to research, write, and edit papers faster.

AI article writer: The  Article Writer lets you generate an entire article in seconds from scratch.

Uriddle ai: Quickly find info in documents, can use chat bot for discussion, simplify complex topics, take notes and write with the power of AI.

Paperpal: Paperpal is a writing assistant that leverages AI technology to enhance academic and scientific writing. It provides instant feedback on language, grammar, readability, and structure while you write in Microsoft Word or online. Some of its key features include:

  • Specifically designed for academic and scientific writing
  • Identifies and corrects grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors
  • Recommends improvements for clarity, conciseness, and flow
  • Helps in rephrasing complex sentences
  • Detects inconsistencies and technical errors
  • Covers over 1300 academic fields With your Researcher.Life All Access subscription, you will have access to a wide range of valuable resources and services, including:

  • Over 120 online courses covering topics such as research methodology, data analysis, and scientific writing, offered by Researcher.Life.
  • Exclusive discounts on professional services from Editage.
  • Unlimited access to Paperpal’s AI-powered language improvement suggestions while working on your manuscript.
  • A global database of over 43,000 reliable journals indexed in DOAJ, Scopus, and Web of Science, allowing you to easily find the best fit for your needs.
  • Invitations to members-only events and workshops where you can network with fellow researchers and learn from experts in your field.
  • The ability to create compelling infographics and effective science figures for your research using Mind The Graph.
  • Enhanced visibility and impact for your research with Kudos Premium.

Overall, Researcher.Life’s All Access membership offers researchers an extensive range of resources and support to help them advance their careers and achieve their goals.

Presentation maker AI tools helps generate presentations with pre-made templates to get you off on the right foot. It is ideal for students preparing their presentations or for researchers preparing presentations for a conference. You can create unlimited presentations and AI ideas in seconds.

AI presentation maker: Create presentations in seconds with images, text, and beautiful design.

AI tools for research Works as a research assistant. This tool is helpful for finding materials for your discussions while writing a paper or trying to find an answer for a certain topic with citation.
HARPA AI: HARPA can chat with websites, PDFs,
summarize and reply to emails for you, rewrite, and expand text, read articles, and translate and scan web pages for data. is an AI meeting assistant that records, transcribes, captures slides, and generates summaries in real time. If you are struggling to follow up on your discussions in a meeting, then this tool is for you.

Flot AI: Flot AI, backed by OpenAI, helps complete tasks like replying to emails, summarizing reports, and creating a personal knowledge base.

MyMap AI: Create clear roadmaps for complex ideas to complete any project efficiently with an AI-powered chat interface. If you are struggling to plan your project, try MyMap AI for efficient planning. Amazing AI tool to chat with books. You only need to provide the title of the book and its author, and you can start asking questions about the book.

All in one

If you prefer to have all AI tools in one place to perform tasks ranging from writing and presentation generation to book reviews, document summarizing, and content creation, this is possible with, where you can access all these tools under one roof. For even greater convenience, if you want all these tools in one place for free, then Hugging face is the best option to explore.

For a detailed guide and mastering AI tools for scientific writing see this course at codanics.

Ethics of using with Cautions

On one side the use of AI tools in research and academics empowers educators and learners but also brings up important ethical issues. It’s important to check the authencity and realibility of  the data and results from AI. Any ignorance in checking the cradibility of  AI tools can lead to false conclusions and harm the trustworthiness of academic work.  It is a duty of researchers to be transparent, and clear in explaining how they use. Furthermore, it is crucial to ensure that everyone has fair access to AI resources to avoid creating unequal opportunities in academics. The ethical use of AI in research and academics relies on being accurate, and transparent, protecting privacy, and ensuring fairness, which builds trust and advances knowledge responsibly.

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