Course Content
Day-2: How to use VScode (an IDE) for Python?
Day-3: Basics of Python Programming
This section will train you for Python programming language
Day-4: Data Visualization and Jupyter Notebooks
You will learn basics of Data Visualization and jupyter notebooks in this section.
Day-5: MarkDown language
You will learn whole MarkDown Language in this section.
Day-10: Data Wrangling and Data Visualization
Data Wrangling and Visualization is an important part of Exploratory Data Analysis, and we are going to learn this.
Day-11: Data Visualization in Python
We will learn about Data Visualization in Python in details.
Day-12,13: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
EDA stands for Exploratory Data Analysis. It refers to the initial investigation and analysis of data to understand the key properties and patterns within the dataset.
Day-15: Data Wrangling Techniques (Beginner to Pro)
Data Wrangling in python
Day-26: How to use Conda Environments?
We are going to learn conda environments and their use in this section
Day-37: Time Series Analysis
In this Section we will learn doing Time Series Analysis in Python.
Day-38: NLP (Natural Language Processing)
In this section we learn basics of NLP
Day-39: git and github
We will learn about git and github
Day-40: Prompt Engineering (ChatGPT for Social Media Handling)
Social media per activae rehna hi sab kuch hy, is main ap ko wohi training milay ge.
Python ka Chilla for Data Science (40 Days of Python for Data Science)
About Lesson

How to use VScode (an IDE) for Python?

Python ka chilla 2023 k doosray din main ham seekhen gay k IDE yani k VScode ko kaisay use karna hy to learn and use python in an efficient manner.

Day-1 main ap ne VScode ko install kia tha ab dekhtay hyn k vscode ko use kaisay karna hy?

  • Is video main ham ne vscode ki top extensions install karna dekhni hyn
  • Python ko VScode main run karna
  • File types or extensions kon kon si hti hyn woh dekhen gay
  • Python ki extension .py or .ipynb kia hti hyn ye dekhen gay
  • Ap ko isi video main future strategy bhi milay ge k agay walay din kaisay practice karni hy
Join the conversation
Muhammad Abubakar 2 weeks ago
kia dsa or oop include nai ha
Mohammad khalifa 2 weeks ago
I can't do black screen
Mohammad khalifa 2 weeks ago
how to find your website in github
Muhammad Abdullah 3 weeks ago
Variable is a Name Memory Location.
Muhammad Abdullah 3 weeks ago
"ipynb" stands for "Interactive Python Notebook"
Muhammad Abdullah 3 weeks ago
comment out
Muhammad Abdullah 3 weeks ago
for comment Short key used CTRL+/
Muhammad Abdullah 3 weeks ago
In python language we use Hastag '#' for comments.
Muhammad Abdullah 3 weeks ago
Muhammad Abdullah 3 weeks ago
//How to make a line plot in python? Next press Tab'/' it is forward slash '' it is backslash
Muhammad Abdullah 3 weeks ago
1:Python 2:Intellicode 3:Jupyter , Jupyter Keymap, Jupyter Slide Show, jupyter Cell Tags , Jupyter Notebook Renderers 4:CodeSnap 5:Markdown All in One 6:Prettier Code Formatter
Tauheed 4 months ago
where is github resource for notes
Shoaib Akhtar 4 months ago
python python pack ->Intrallicode ->juypter ->jupter slide show ->jupter cell tags ->jupter key map ->code snap ->markdown all in 1 ->prettier code formatter ->kite but not prefer able
Shahid Mehmood 4 months ago
Extensions 1: Python 2: Intelli Code 3: Jupyter 4: Code Snap 5: Prettier 6: Mark Down All in one
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