Course Content
Day-2: How to use VScode (an IDE) for Python?
Day-3: Basics of Python Programming
This section will train you for Python programming language
Day-4: Data Visualization and Jupyter Notebooks
You will learn basics of Data Visualization and jupyter notebooks in this section.
Day-5: MarkDown language
You will learn whole MarkDown Language in this section.
Day-10: Data Wrangling and Data Visualization
Data Wrangling and Visualization is an important part of Exploratory Data Analysis, and we are going to learn this.
Day-11: Data Visualization in Python
We will learn about Data Visualization in Python in details.
Day-12,13: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
EDA stands for Exploratory Data Analysis. It refers to the initial investigation and analysis of data to understand the key properties and patterns within the dataset.
Day-15: Data Wrangling Techniques (Beginner to Pro)
Data Wrangling in python
Day-26: How to use Conda Environments?
We are going to learn conda environments and their use in this section
Day-37: Time Series Analysis
In this Section we will learn doing Time Series Analysis in Python.
Day-38: NLP (Natural Language Processing)
In this section we learn basics of NLP
Day-39: git and github
We will learn about git and github
Day-40: Prompt Engineering (ChatGPT for Social Media Handling)
Social media per activae rehna hi sab kuch hy, is main ap ko wohi training milay ge.
Python ka Chilla for Data Science (40 Days of Python for Data Science)
About Lesson

More detailed Tips and Tricks to use Pandas

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Noor Shah Muhammad 1 month ago
Ghayas uddin 7 months ago
Q1. what every column mean here in kashti data set? ANSWER: 1. Survived: Indicates whether the passenger survived (0 = No, 1 = Yes). 2. Pclass: Represents the passenger class (1st, 2nd, or 3rd). 3. Sex: Gender of the passenger. 4. Age: Age of the passenger. 5. SibSp: Number of siblings or spouses aboard the Titanic for each passenger. 6. Parch: Number of parents or children aboard the Titanic for each passenger. 7. Fare: The amount paid for the ticket by each passenger. 8. Embarked: Denotes the port of embarkation (C = Cherbourg, Q = Queenstown, S = Southampton). 9. Class: Similar to 'Pclass', it denotes the passenger class. 10. Who: Indicates the category of the person (child, woman, man). 11. Adult_male: Binary value indicating whether the person is an adult male (True/False). 12. Deck: Represents the deck where the passenger's cabin was located. 13. Embark_town: Another representation of the port of embarkation (Cherbourg, Queenstown, Southampton). 14. Alive: Indicates whether the passenger survived (Yes/No). 15. Alone: Binary value indicating whether the passenger was traveling alone (True/False).Q2. how many datasets are there in sns.load_dataset()? and how to fetch them? ANSWER:1. 'anscombe': Anscombe's quartet dataset. 2. 'attention': Reaction times in a psychological experiment dataset. 3. 'brain_networks': Network measures for human brain functional networks. 4. 'car_crashes': US car crash dataset. 5. 'diamonds': Diamond characteristics dataset. 6. 'dots': Lateral geniculate nucleus response to light stimuli dataset. 7. 'exercise': Results from fitness tracking dataset. 8. 'flights': Passengers on airline flights dataset. 9. 'fmri': Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) dataset. 10. 'gammas': Simulated neuroimaging data. 11. 'iris': Iris flower dataset. 12. 'mpg': Miles per gallon of various car models dataset. 13. 'planets': Exoplanets discovery dataset. 14. 'tips': Restaurant tips dataset. 15. 'titanic': Titanic dataset.
Muhammad Daniyal 8 months ago
day 9 assignmentName: Muhammad Daniyalwhat is nan? how much its important? and why its availiblity and not availibility is important?What is NaN?NaN stands for "Not a Number" and is a special value used in programming to represent an undefined or unrepresentable numerical value. It is commonly used in floating-point arithmetic, which is the standard way of representing numbers in computers.Why is NaN important?NaN is important because it allows programmers to handle invalid numerical operations in a controlled and predictable way. Without NaN, invalid operations would often cause programs to crash or produce unexpected results. For example, if a program tries to divide 0 by 0, the result would be NaN. This is important because there is no real number that is equal to 0 divided by 0.NaN is also important for representing values that are not numbers, such as infinity. For example, the square root of a negative number is not a real number, so it is represented by NaN.Why is the availability and non-availability of NaN important?The availability of NaN is important because it allows programmers to write more robust and reliable code. By using NaN to represent invalid or unrepresentable values, programmers can avoid crashes and unexpected results.The non-availability of NaN can also be important in some cases. For example, if a program is performing a numerical calculation that is expected to always produce a valid result, then the presence of NaN can indicate that there is a problem with the calculation.In general, NaN is a valuable tool for programmers, and its availability and non-availability can both be important depending on the specific application.
Muhammad Haroon 9 months ago
this is very good to learn data science, being a jobian and potential student of PhD, I am learning a lot from you Sir, May Allah bless you, Jazak Allah
Ilyas Qasim 10 months ago
save to excel : phool.to_excel('phool.xlsx') kashti.to_excel('kashti.xlsx')
Ilyas Qasim 10 months ago
Assignment-2: VARIABLE DESCRIPTIONS IN DATASET survived :Survival (0 = No; 1 = Yes) pclass :Passenger Class (1 = 1st; 2 = 2nd; 3 = 3rd) sex: Sex age: Passenger age in years sibsp : Number of Siblings/Spouses Aboard parch : Number of Parents/Children Aboard fare : Passenger Fare embarked : Port of Embarkation (C = Cherbourg; Q = Queenstown; S = Southampton) class: Class name (First, Second, Third) who : man, women, child adult_male: True, False deck: Deck number embarke_town : Name of Embarkation (Cherbourg, Queenstown;, Southampton alive: yes / no alone: true/falesWaiting for your reply abou the poast
Akhtar Alvi 8 months ago
very descriptive. I also find the same answer but you described it fully. Thanks
Ilyas Qasim 10 months ago
Assignment-1: 17 built-in datasets in seaborn, where 9 Seaborn Datasets for Data Science + ML Beginners: 1. Anscombe 2. Attention 3. Car Crashes 4. Diamonds 5. Flights 6. Iris 7. MPG 8. Planets 9. Titanic
komal Baloch 10 months ago
for accurate and meaningful data analysis , proper handling of NaN values is essential
komal Baloch 10 months ago
missing data
komal Baloch 10 months ago
we can fetch dataset to use this command: sns.load_dataset('datasetname')