Data Visualization Quiz

Data Visualization Quiz

Are You a Data Viz Ninja? Take This Python Libraries Quiz to Find Out

Data visualization or ploting the data is a core skill for any data scientist or analyst. It’s the key to effectively communicating insights from data. But how well do you really know your Python libraries for visualization like Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly?

This 30-question quiz will put you to the test on everything from basic chart types to advanced concepts and technical skills. You’ll have 30 minutes to answer as many questions as possible. Your score will reveal how comfortable you are with visualizing data using the most popular Python packages.

What's Covered in the Data Visualization Quiz?

The questions cover the following topics:

  • Different chart types – When to use bar charts, line plots, scatter plots etc.
  • Python library functionality – Commands, parameters and methods in Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly
  • Best practices – Principles of effective visualization like labeling, whitespace and dimensionality reduction
  • Interactivity – Features that enhance understanding like tooltips, callbacks and filters
  • Advanced concepts – Facetting, overplotting, pivot tables, key differences between libraries

You’ll need to draw on both conceptual knowledge as well as hands-on experience with the libraries. Mixed question formats like multiple choice, true/false and coding keep you on your toes.

How Can You Benefit From Taking the Quiz?

Some benefits of giving this quiz a try include:

  • Evaluate your current data visualization proficiency objectively
  • Identify topics to focus more study on like advanced visualization techniques
  • Review functions and syntax you may have forgotten
  • Gauge if you’re ready for data scientist job interviews involving Python viz skills
  • Gain confidence in your abilities to present data in a clear, engaging way
  • Have fun challenging yourself while strengthening an essential data skill

Be sure to time yourself and track your score as you go through the questions. At the end, you’ll know exactly how much more practice you need to become an expert in data storytelling through Python libraries.

Are You Ready to Test Your Python Visualization Skills Now?

If you’re serious about assessing or improving your Python data visualization competence, then this 30-question quiz is a must-take challenge. Give yourself 8 minutes, go through each question carefully and see how you fare against visualization pros.

Prepare to get your data viz knowledge put to the test! Take the quiz now and let me know your final score in the comments. I’m curious to see who the ultimate Python library ninja turns out to be.

Quiz Time
3 votes, 5 avg
Created by Dr. Aammar Tufail
Data Visualization Quiz

Data Visualization Quiz

This quiz will test your knowledge of key concepts in data visualization and data science. You will be asked questions about visualization best practices, different chart types, and commonly used Python libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn and Plotly.

The number of attempts remaining is 5

1 / 30

What seaborn function is used to draw a point plot?

2 / 30

Which function in pandas is used to plot data directly from a DataFrame?

3 / 30

Which function in matplotlib is used to create a new figure?

4 / 30

Which function in seaborn is used to draw a pair plot?

5 / 30

Which seaborn function is used to draw a line plot?

6 / 30

How do you change the fontsize of labels in Matplotlib?

7 / 30

How do you change the number of bins in a Matplotlib histogram?

8 / 30

How do you add a legend to a Matplotlib plot?

9 / 30

Which layout attribute sets grid line properties?

10 / 30

What type of visualization shows relationships between data clusters?

11 / 30

How do you add a grid to a matplotlib plot?

12 / 30

What type of object is returned when a Plotly figure is created?

13 / 30

What is the purpose of a heatmap in data visualization?

14 / 30

Which Plotly method updates and renders a figure on the screen?

15 / 30

What type of chart is best for showing proportions within a whole?

16 / 30

Did you subscribe to our YouTube channel Codancis ?

17 / 30

What type of chart is best for comparing groups?

18 / 30

Which parameter controls the size of markers in a matplotlib scatter plot?

19 / 30

Which function in matplotlib is used to create a scatter plot?

20 / 30

Which seaborn function is used to draw a bar plot?

21 / 30

Which parameter sets the linewidth in Matplotlib?

22 / 30

What is overplotting in data visualization?

23 / 30

Which Excel function creates a pivot table?

24 / 30

What is the purpose of a boxplot in data visualization?

25 / 30

Which attribute sets axis line properties in Plotly layout?

26 / 30

How do you set the x-axis label in a matplotlib plot?

27 / 30

Which function is used to add subplots in Matplotlib?

28 / 30

Which attribute sets the font properties in Plotly layout?

29 / 30

Which Plotly method updates axes properties (like ranges) non-uniformly?

30 / 30

What type of plot is used for visualizing relationships between two continuous variables?

Your score is

The average score is 36%


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  1. There seems some bug.

    I attempted the quiz twice yesterday and could not complete it within the permissible time and quiz page closed itself.

    But, instead of showing any results, it remained blank.

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