Course Content
How and Why to Register
Dear, to register for the 6 months AI and Data Science Mentorship Program, click this link and fill the form give there:
Day-17: Complete EDA on Google PlayStore Apps
Day-25: Quiz Time, Data Visualization-4
Day-27: Data Scaling/Normalization/standardization and Encoding
Day-30: NumPy (Part-3)
Day-31: NumPy (Part-4)
Day-32a: NumPy (Part-5)
Day-32b: Data Preprocessing / Data Wrangling
Day-37: Algebra in Data Science
Day-56: Statistics for Data Science (Part-5)
Day-69: Machine Learning (Part-3)
Day-75: Machine Learning (Part-9)
Day-81: Machine Learning (Part-15)-Evaluation Metrics
Day-82: Machine Learning (Part-16)-Metrics for Classification
Day-85: Machine Learning (Part-19)
Day-89: Machine Learning (Part-23)
Day-91: Machine Learning (Part-25)
Day-93: Machine Learning (Part-27)
Day-117: Deep Learning (Part-14)-Complete CNN Project
Day-119: Deep Learning (Part-16)-Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Day-121: Time Series Analysis (Part-1)
Day-123: Time Series Analysis (Part-3)
Day-128: Time Series Analysis (Part-8): Complete Project
Day-129: git & GitHub Crash Course
Day-131: Improving Machine/Deep Learning Model’s Performance
Day-133: Transfer Learning and Pre-trained Models (Part-2)
Day-134 Transfer Learning and Pre-trained Models (Part-3)
Day-137: Generative AI (Part-3)
Day-139: Generative AI (Part-5)-Tensorboard
Day-145: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-1)
Day-146: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-2)
Day-147: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-3)
Day-148: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-4)
Day-149: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-5)
Day-150: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-6)
Day-151: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-7)
Day-152: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-8)
Day-153: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-9)
Day-154: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-10)
Day-155: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-11)
Day-156: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-12)
Day-157: Streamlit for webapp development and deployment (Part-13)
How to Earn using Data Science and AI skills
Day-160: Flask for web app development (Part-3)
Day-161: Flask for web app development (Part-4)
Day-162: Flask for web app development (Part-5)
Day-163: Flask for web app development (Part-6)
Day-164: Flask for web app development (Part-7)
Day-165: Flask for web app deployment (Part-8)
Day-167: FastAPI (Part-2)
Day-168: FastAPI (Part-3)
Day-169: FastAPI (Part-4)
Day-170: FastAPI (Part-5)
Day-171: FastAPI (Part-6)
Day-174: FastAPI (Part-9)
Six months of AI and Data Science Mentorship Program
About Lesson

Link to notebook and data set

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Almas Sultana 9 months ago
Line magics (prefixed with %):%run: Run the named file as a program. %load: Load code into the current frontend. %time: Measure the execution time of a single statement. %timeit: Time the repeated execution of a statement for better accuracy.Cell magics (prefixed with %%):%%writefile: Write the contents of the cell to a file. %%html: Render the cell as HTML. %%latex: Render the cell as LaTeX. %%bash: Run cell with bash in a subprocess. %%capture: Capture the output of a cell.General magics:%magic: Display information about all available magic commands. %lsmagic: List all available magic commands. %reset: Resets the namespace by removing all names defined by the user. %who: List all variables of the global scope. %whos: Like %who, but provides more information about each variable.Shell commands (can be used without %):ls: List files in the current directory. pwd: Print the current working directory. cd: Change the current directory. echo: Print the provided text.
Aftab Ahmad 9 months ago
Baba cant stop my hassi jb ap ny kaha un 3 tariqo ko kaisy use karty hai haha
Hamza Zubair 9 months ago
Afzaal Ahmad 9 months ago
Assignment Q. 2:How many ways to format a string in Python?There are five different ways to perform string formatting in Python: • Formatting with % Operator. • Formatting with format() string method. • Formatting with string literals, called f-strings. (Most important and most used command) • Formatting with String Template Class • Formatting with center() string method.
Afzaal Ahmad 9 months ago
Assignment Q. 1 Enlist the magic commands for Python.Magic Commands Magic commands let us perform a bunch of tasks from the jupyter notebook itself which otherwise need to be done in the command prompt/shell. There are two types of magic commands available with Jupyter Notebook: 1. Line Magic Commands: It applies the command to one line of the Jupyter cell as its name suggests. 2. Cell Magic Commands: It applies the command to the whole cell of the notebook and needs to be kept at the beginning of the cell.Line Magic Commands (Starting with "%") o "%lsmagic" - List All Available Magic Commands o "%magic" - Print Information About Magic Commands System o "%quickref" - Cheat-Sheet of Magic Commands o "%alias_magic" - Give Any Magic Command Alias Name o "%autocall" - Call Functions without Parenthesis o "%automagic" - Call Line Magic Commands without "%" Prefix o "%pwd" - Prints Present Working Directory o "%cd" - Change Working Directory in Notebook o "%system" - Execute Unix Shell Commands in Jupyter Notebook o "%sx" - Execute Unix Shell Commands in Notebook o "%time" - Measures Execution Time of a Line/Statement in Notebook o "%timeit" - Measures Execution Time of Line o "%who" - Prints All Variables Initialized/Declared in Notebook of Specified Data Type o "%who_ls" - Prints All Variables Initialized/Declared in Notebook of Specified Data Type as "List" o "%whos" - Prints All Variables in Notebook with Details o "%load" - Loads Code from Filename in Jupyter Notebook o "%load_ext" - Load External Module in Jupyter Notebook o "%unload_ext" - Unload External Module o "%reload_ext" - Reload Externally Loaded Module o "%tb" - Print Stack Trace of Last Failure o "%env" - List, Get and Set Environment Variables in Notebook o "%set_env" - Set Environment Variables in Notebook o "%conda" - Execute 'Conda' Commands in Notebook o "%pip" - Execute Python 'pip' Commands in Notebook o "%dhist" - Prints History Of Visited Directories in Notebook o "%history" - Prints History of Commands Executed in Notebook o "%doctest_mode" - Inform IPython Kernel to Behave Like Normal Python Shell o "%prun" - Profile Python Code using "profile" Module o "%matplotlib" - Sets Matplotlib Backend for Plotting o "%pdef" - Print Signature of Callable o "%pdoc" - Print Docstring of a Callable o "%precision" - Sets Precision of Floating Point Numbers o "%psearch" - Search Namespace using Pattern o "%psource" - Print Source Code of an Object o "%pycat" - Shows Content of File with Syntax Highlighted o "%pylab" - Loads Numpy and Matplotlib in Namespace o "%recall" - Put History Commands Executed in Next Cell o "%rerun" - Rerun Previously Executed Cell o "%reset" - Reset Namespace (Remove All Existing User-defined Names) o "%reset_selective" - Remove Variables Matching a Pattern o "%run" - Execute Python Script in Notebook Cell Magic Commands (Starting with "%%") o "%%bash" - Execute "bash" Script in Notebook o "%%script" - Execute Perl, Python, Ruby, and Shell Scripts in Notebook o "%%sh" - Execute Unix Shell Script in Notebook o "%%html" - Render Contents of Cell as HTML o "%%javascript" - Execute Contents of Cell as Javascript o "%%js" - Execute Contents of Cell as Javascript o "%%perl" - Execute Contents of Cell as Perl Script/Code o "%%ruby" - Execute Contents of Cell as Ruby Code o "%%latex" - Execute Contents of Cell as LaTex (Mathematical Formulas) o "%%markdown" - Execute Contents of Cell as Markdown o "%%writefile" - Write Contents of Cell to a File o "%%time" - Measure Execution Time of Cell Code o "%%timeit" - Measure Execution Time of Cell Code o "%%prun" - Profile Cell Python Code
Muhammad Naeem 9 months ago
Great effort 💯azam bhai❤
Nimra Ishaq 9 months ago
Day-19 Assignment 1: List of Magic Commands for Python 1. %run: Run Python script files. 2. %load: Load external code into a cell. 3. %pwd: Print the current working directory. 4. %cd: Change the current working directory. 5. %ls: List files and directories in the current directory. 6. %whos: List all variables in the global scope. 7. %reset: Delete all variables in the global scope. 8. %history: View command history. 9. %env: Access and manipulate environment variables. 10. %debug: Activate the interactive debugger. 11. %pdb: Automatically activate the debugger when an exception is raised. 12. %time: Measure the execution time of a single statement. 13. %timeit: Measure the execution time of a statement or expression with more precision. 14. %prun: Profile code and display detailed profiling information. 15. %memit: Measure memory usage of a single statement. 16. %mprun: Profile code line by line with memory usage. 17. %load_ext: Load a Python extension. 18. %matplotlib: Enable inline plotting with Matplotlib. 19.%store: Pass variables between notebook
Sana Shah 9 months ago
2nd assignemnt ### how many ways are there to format a string? submitted in discord channel
komal Baloch 9 months ago
komal Baloch 9 months ago
Assignment 1 Day 19 By: Komal BalochQuestion: Enlist magic commands for Python1. %run: Execute a Python script. 2. %load: Load the content of a file into a code cell. 3. %reset: Reset the namespace by removing all names defined by the user. 4. %who: List all interactive variables. 5. %whos: Provide more detailed information about interactive variables. 6. %history: Show command history. 7. %debug: Activate the interactive debugger. 8. %timeit: Measure the execution time of a Python statement or expression. 9. %%time: Measure the execution time of an entire cell. 10. %load_ext: Load an IPython extension. 11. %unload_ext: Unload an IPython extension. 12. %matplotlib: Set the backend for plotting in Jupyter Notebook. 13. %pwd: Print the current working directory. 14. %cd: Change the current working directory. 15. %ls: List files and directories in the current directory. 16. %lsmagic: List all available magic commands.
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