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I learned about imputing the missing values using RandomForestRegressor.
--> In this technique we follow the following steps:
1. load the libraries
2. load the dataset
3. check out the missing values
4. encode the categorical and object columns
5. split the data into 'missing' and 'non_missing'
6. train test split the 'non_missing' dataset
7. train the RandomForest Regressor model on 'non_missing' dataset
8. predict and evaluate the model
9. Now, predict the model on the 'missing' data
10. Concatenate the both 'missing' and 'non_missing' data
11. At the end, just decode the encoded columns using for loop for your own ease.--> All the missing values are now imputed and the data is in it's original state. Just go for training your model coz data is now fully ready to be used for training.
Great lecture I love this one
I have done this lecture with 100% practice.
I have done this video with 100% practice.
This is an essential lecture to explain missing values.