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1. Filter Method
2. Wrapper Method
3. Embedded Method
4. Dimensionality Reduction
5. Regularization Method
6. Deep Learning based Method

These all are used to make the model's performance better!

1. Filter method: uses basic statistic methods to find the best features.
2. Wrapper Method: Uses Machine Learning Algorithms to select the best features. [Forward Selection, Backward Elimination, Recursive Feature Elimination, Exhaustive Feature Selection] 3. Embedded Method: Uses a combination of both Filter and Wrapper methods 4. Dimensionality Reduction: [PCA, SVD, t-SNE, LDA (Linear Discriminative Analysis] 5. Regularization Method: Lasso and Ridge Regression (combination of both makes Elastic Net Regularization) 6. Deep Learning based Method: Auto Encoders


Learned about feature selection methods like filter methods, wrapper methods, embedded methods, dimensionality reduction methods, regularization methods, deep learning-based methods

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